Volunteers Needed

The Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner is still in need of several volunteers to serve in this year’s collaborated efforts of serving the community a Thanksgiving meal. There are a variety of options available from helping the day before, all different shifts available on Thanksgiving Day and positions to serve in to fit every comfort level. Contact the library at 319-753-1647…

Yankee Candles

    The Public Relations Committee is selling Yankee Candle products. Funds raised go towards getting the word out about our agency.  You can make an order with one of our committee members at any of our locations before November 2, 2018 or online orders support us through January 10th at this link with group ID# 99530193 FREE shipping for…


Welcome to our new website. Take some time to browse around to learn about us. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Here is short video from our Executive Director Sheri Wilson.