To order free at home COVID tests:
Starting in January 2022, insurance companies and health plans are required to cover 8 free over-the-counter at-home tests per covered individual per month. Check with your insurance provider on how to this may work for your insurance provider. More details here.

All those 16+ are now able to receive the vaccine for free.
- Questions about the vaccine? See common misconceptions and facts here.
- Find a location to get your vaccine:
- Learn more about the vaccine:
Community Action Updates
- Head Start Updates can be read here.
- All neighborhood center emergency food pantries are open daily.
- Center doors will be unlocked starting April 1, 2022.
- Please call your local center for a pickup appointment.
- Donations of pantry and hygiene items are appreciated. If anyone in your home is ill or has been exposed, please refrain from donating at this time.
- Apply for LIHEAP (energy assistance) online or call your local center to apply.
- Head Start classrooms are open for in person classes with increased protection measures. They also have an all virtual option. They are taking applications online.
Helpful Links
- Temporary Job Opportunities and Updates from Iowa Department of Workforce Development
- Free legal advice for things related to COVID-19 from Iowa Legal Aid. Call their hotline: 1-800-332-0419. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
- Iowa Legal Aid has information regarding public benefits during the pandemic.
- Parent/caregiver guide to helping families. Tips and advice.
- Answers Now by Iowa State Extension Office has online events, resources, and information. Call, text, email or research their site. Offering free one-on-one financial conversations as well.
- Live updated childcare availability map Following Governor Reynold’s announcement of the importance of childcare availability for essential workers, the map went live illustrating real time availability of child care throughout the state.
- Are you a part of a credit union? Your small business (less than 5 people) may qualify for the Emergency Relief Fund.
- For under-served populations COVID-19 information
- Social Connectedness for the Homebound resource list with telephone activities, ‘warmline’ for emotional support, virtual classes, conversations and other telephone support. From the Iowa Department on Aging
- A collection of other resources, fliers and information arranged by month
Support Resources
- Internet assistance for low-income households. Affordable Connectivity Program. $30/month for eligible households. Information and to apply.
- Eviction information for non-payment of rent flyer on tenant rights and options.
- Iowa Finance Authority has a rental and mortgage assistance program for those affected by COVID. More details and applications online here.
- Housing information and resources from Iowa Finance Authority.
- Iowa Spanish Helpline 515-344-3936
- This line is to help the Spanish-speaking community in the state of Iowa with the goal of providing information, resources and support for the Iowa community. The line is answered by professionals from the Latino community. All the information is confidential.
- Iowa Mental Health providers doing tele-health and accepting new patients updated 4.17.2020
- Iowa Latino, Bilingual and/or Bi-Cultural Mental Health Providers
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- NAMI Crisis general hotline (800) 950-NAMI
- Resource guide on mental health and resources through COVID-19 and other life stressors
- Crisis Text Line 24/7: HOME to 741741 to connect to a counselor
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Resource page for “immediate disaster behavioral health response”. A whole variety of links in the resource pages regarding coping, trauma, children, leadership, etc.
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress helpline 24/7 365 days: 1-800-985-5990
- Mental Health/Crisis Line local numbers from the SEIL (Southeast Iowa Link) region
- Mental Health – Your Life Iowa Statewide Crisis Line (855) 581-8111
- Iowa Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team
- Mental Health America has some great information and resources
- Christian Century – advice for spiritually caring for others
- Iowa Concern Hotline 800-447-1985
- AA online meetings: Locally groups meeting online: or groups from far and wide
- RISE Iowa is a virtual community to help those in varying situations with their substance issues. This is a free app that can help clients support their recovery. Learn more here:
- Treatment and online mental health and substance use disorder resources from Sunshine Behavioral Health
- 60 Online mental health resource links
Self Care Resources
- COVID Recovery Iowa, FREE virtual/chat/phone counseling for all Iowans affected by COVID-19 available 24/7.
- Call the Iowa Warm Line, 844-775-9276, to connect with a peer counselor or request to get in touch with a COVID Recovery Iowa counselor.
- Call 800-447-1985 to connect with a counselor specializing in rural issues and agriculture 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Visit and complete a contact form and a counselor will get back to you.
- Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 | CDC
- Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource Book
- Managing Stress and Anxiety – COVID-19
General COVID-19 information:
- Greater Burlington COVID-19 page:
- Henry county updates and resources:
- Iowa Department of Public Health:
- National CDC:
- World Health Organization (WHO):
- Newsroom of Governor Kim Reynolds on updates and recommendations:
- Multi-lingual hotline for reliable COVID-19 information: 1-877-558-2609
- A partnership among the Refugee Alliance of Central Iowa (RACI), Lutheran Services in Iowa Refugee and Immigrant Services, 2-1-1, Polk County Health Department, and the Iowa Department of Public Health with funding from the Disaster Recovery Fund.
- Resources in other languages from the CDC
- US Dept. of Homeland Security (FEMA) – Rumor Control & Misinformation
- Official Resource Portals listed