Children and Poverty
Children and especially children of color are disproportionately affected by poverty. The circle graph below shows the percentage of children in poverty by population numbers in our four counties in southeast Iowa.
When we look at the number of individuals and how many of them in that group in our area are in poverty we see some astronomical numbers:
- 14.62% of people are in poverty
- 22.1 % of children are in poverty
- 868 or 70.92% of Black or African American children are in poverty
- 516 or 44.18% of multiple race children are in poverty
- 30 or 100% of “some other race” (not listed as non-hispanic white, black, African America, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or multiple race) in Des Moines County, IA children are in poverty.
- Data from the US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2013-17.
Children’s lives are affected by poverty in so many ways. It can affect their school performance, self confidence, peer relationships, social development, family life, long term success, and so many different things.
Take a look at this documentary from Frontline to hear directly from children and families in poverty and how it has affected them. Included is a family in Iowa.
Sometimes we see statistics and think it’s too late, there’s nothing that can be done. It, however, is not too late. You can make a difference. Individuals in our communities can become personally involved because Connections Matter. There are several programs and services we do and other agencies in our communities that are dedicated to making a difference and helping families.
Change isn’t easy and isn’t quick but we are dedicated to alleviating the conditions and causes of poverty by building partnerships and strengthening people through quality services. Together we can help the next generation and this one.