An Accountable Agency
When people, places, and entities give you money it’s important to be able to show them how you used it. To be good stewards of what you’ve been given. This promotes trust, transparency, reliability, and future giving.
To make sure this happens at all levels, rules and guidelines have been handed down.
Results Orientated Management and Accountability, ROMA is a management and accountability process focused on the results achieved because of what the agency does. It:
- Focuses on outcomes rather than a particular program.
- Improves services by tracking what works well and what does not.
- Helps organize, direct and implement resources and activities to achieve positive outcomes.
- Assists governing board members in their role to assess, plan, implement and evaluate Community Action programs.
- Empowers families by allowing them to make educated choices about services that will assist them in achieving their goals.
Over the past several years, federal funding to support the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) has been challenged. However, Community Action remains an important safety net for many vulnerable individuals and families.
Beginning in 2001, Community Action has improved their reporting through the Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) framework and continuously seeks ways to improve outreach and services.
To learn more about ROMA:
- Take a simple interactive overview mini course about ROMA by Iowa Community Action Association
- Look at various ROMA resources by the National Association for State Community Services Programs
- Watch this 13 minute video introduction to ROMA from the Community Action Partnership of North Alabama
- Examine The National Community Action Network Theory of Change
- Look through this document geared towards boards for implementing ROMA
- Take a look at our history on our website.
- Read more from Iowa Community Action Association’s website
- Or learn more about our history from the Iowa Department of Human Rights website