Budget Counseling
Budgeting isn’t a dirty word. It’s making money work for you and knowing where it goes.
Family Development Specialists at each center location are available to work with individuals on budget information, preparation, skills, tips, and tracking. They also have printed budgeting materials for your benefit.
They can assist with holistic budgeting and/or food budgeting.
- Online Budgeting Worksheet – Make a Budget
- Examine your income and spending
- Monthly Household Budget and Tips
- One page budgeting worksheet
- Budgeting Booklet
- Budgeting App
- Financial Online Resource Listing
- Teaching children and others about money management

Employment Counseling
- Iowa Workforce Development has a wonderful list of job openings you can search by location.
- Iowa Workforce can work with people individually. Contact your local IWD center.
- Iowa Workforce has group classes for skill development.
- View the Employment Section of your county Inter-Agency Directory on our Resource web page.
- Goodwill Career Centers are available to serve any individual regardless of disability status.

Family Development Specialists at each center location try to keep up on local openings and are available to work with individuals on skills, referrals, applications, and resumes. They take a strengths based approach, believing that everyone has skills. Call your local center to set up an appointment and take a look at the resources below.
Transportation Assistance
- Adults may request vouchers due to special circumstances.
- Adults must talk with a Family Development Specialist to assess their need. Contact your local center to set up an appointment.
- Vouchers may be in the form of individual ride passes or a single month pass.
- Community Action is not set up to provide ongoing bus passes.
- Bus passes for students are not available.
- If this is a special need, contact the child’s school for a consultation.
- Gas vouchers are not available.
- To obtain a bus pass on your own, contact:
- For those receiving Medicaid, if an ongoing bus passes is needed, talk with your insurance provider about a bus pass to get to appointments.
- In general, a bus pass may then be utilized for any purpose, not only medical appointments.
- Information on Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) with Medicaid