2021-2022 Embrace Iowa
Embrace Iowa applications are currently closed. (updated 3.21.22)

In the 2021-2022 Application season, requests fulfilled included payments for:
- 22 Beds
- 9 Appliances
- 5 Rent and Utility
- 4 Home repairs
- 3 Medical/pharmacy
- 3 Car items
- 2 Eyeglasses
- 1 Clothing
- 23 Miscellaneous requests (sewer repairs, window fixes, wheelchair ramps, etc)
What is Embrace Iowa? It’s a partnership with Community Action Agencies, Iowa Community Action Association, The Des Moines Register, and donors. Funds (up to $750 per household) are used to meet needs unable to be met by other programs or to remove barriers to an improved life. Preference will be given to those who have not received funds from the program before and are below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Contact your local center to apply: https://caofseia.org/about-us/locations/
To support this project you can donate online through Facebook with no fees here: https://www.facebook.com/donate/306920177947403/
More information is available from ICAA here: http://iowacommunityaction.org/about/donate/?fbclid=IwAR22F7M8ewlasASYsg0NBueaNsYiikID9C35_VE0h_wcPsZVtF8L5YG-Lo8